Attention Students and New Professionals

Submit your profile for the chance to be featured on the AAA website and social media channels.

Submit Your Profile

“I am a professor of anthropology, an archaeologist, Provost of the Washington State University (WSU) System, and Chancellor of the WSU Pullman campus. My archaeological training and the anthropologist's gaze inform my perspective and impact as an academic leader, whether that means an appreciation for the diversity of sciences, arts, and humanities at the university, in my awareness of the importance of cultural and historical context for the challenges facing higher education, or in my approach to understanding an institution's culture. Throughout my career, my scholarship has highlighted the impacts of contemporary commemorations and erasures of the past--why the past matters. I am AAA.”

Ron Reminick

Ron Reminick

Professor Emeritus, Cleveland State University

"Doing fieldwork in the Ethiopian Highlands in the late '60's, I was invited to a coffee party, complete with the local distilled beverage and snacks, with my neighbors and friends. My wife reminded me to be home before our guest, the governor, would be coming for dinner. Sometime in the afternoon, I suddenly remembered about our dinner guest, and I asked (in Amharic) the host, "yishimabyet, what time is it?", She said, "Wait just a minute" and stepped outside. Upon returning, she said, "It smells like 4 o'clock." This opened a whole new level of consciousness for me, smelling the different times of day in this perfectly beautiful countryside. I am AAA."

"As an activist-scholar and woman of color who works in communities directly impacted by racialized violence, Islamophobia, and other forms of discrimination, I especially value my connection to the ABA community. There I find a vibrant, dynamic, intellectual space full of professionals whose commitment to scholarship and teaching is fundamentally shaped by generations of social justice oriented academics--scholars who model the likes of W.E.B. DuBois, Zora Neale Hurston, and William Montague Cobb. The people whose lives we enter as anthropologists are real, the issues affecting their lives are always more than academic exercises, and the work we do never exists in a vacuum. Having a professional space which honors and cultivates this type of scholarship is necessary, and invaluable. I am AAA."

"I am AAA because, as a Jamaican anthropologist, I proudly stand on the shoulders of Zora Neale Hurston and use the spyglass of anthropology to imagine the Caribbean as a space that disturbs, disrupts and opens up new ways for engaging disciplinary epistemologies and methods."

"Anthropology is the venue through which I am able to align my curiosities and my passion with my professional life. As an applied anthropologist, I am interested in ways that anthropological knowledge can be used to improve lives and communities. I am AAA."

Video Testimonials

Cathleen Crain and Janine Wedel

AAA members Cathleen Crain and Janine Wedel discuss their reasons for joining the association. Read other testimonials and submit yours today.

Emily Mendelhall and Susan Crate

AAA members Emily Mendelhall and Susan Crate discuss their reasons for joining the association.