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Attention AAA Members

Submit your profile for the chance to be featured on the AAA website and social media channels.

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"I am AAA because I believe that anthropology transforms how we approach and understand our world. Ethnographic insights into globally pressing issues such as urbanization and climate change have never been more critical than in the present moment. It is my goal to contribute such insights, both through my own ethnographic research examining shifting food supply systems in Bangalore, India, and through my work as an educator."

“I am AAA because anthropology provides a holistic outlook and the tools to dismantle the health disparities I see in the communities where I work.”

"Anthropology challenges me to appreciate the multitude of ways we engage with microbes and medicines in this world. I am a medical anthropologist examining antibiotic resistance and the use of antibiotics in the United States. The particular methods and theories of medical anthropology are essential to understanding the social, cultural, historical, and political overlays in the prescribing practices of hospital-based physicians. I am AAA."

"AAA is building new connections, reaching new audiences and publics, and exploring new ways of knowing. SLACA is at the forefront of this work, examining and transgressing boundaries and borders in

Latin America and the Caribbean. All these elements guide my research, scholarship, and teaching, and that is why I am AAA."

“My deep concern over global inequalities has led me to pursuing a PhD in social anthropology. Convinced that local knowledge is crucial to creating effective policies of affirmative action, I have studied gender violence and the politics of indigeneity in the rural south of Mexico City by interviewing women's groups, medical professionals, politicians, teachers, and police. Anthropology is uniquely equipped to mapout larger connections, and facilitate communication between different sides and actors in the fields of human rights, gender rights, and environmental justice, while also questioning the very meaning and divisibility of these domains. I AM AAA.”

Video Testimonials

Cathleen Crain and Janine Wedel

AAA members Cathleen Crain and Janine Wedel discuss their reasons for joining the association. Read other testimonials and submit yours today.

Emily Mendelhall and Susan Crate

AAA members Emily Mendelhall and Susan Crate discuss their reasons for joining the association.