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Anthropology Day Event Toolkit

The American Anthropological Association (AAA) is celebrating anthropology and anthropologists around the world through Anthropology Day. Anthropologists are innovators and creative thinkers who contribute to every sector of society.

Anthropology Day is a day for anthropologists to celebrate and share their discipline with the public around them. Activities around the world will build enthusiasm and awareness for current and future anthropologists. We have a host of resources and ideas to help you get started for your AnthroDay events.

How to Get Involved

We welcome your participation in any capacity. The exciting part about our effort is that it requires no fundraising and focuses solely on public education and having fun with anthropology.

Here are some event suggestions to get you started!

  • Sessions/Talks
    • Have a former student give a talk about their current research project.
    • Watch a movie about anthropology (ex. The Anthropologist, Margaret Mead: Taking Notes, and The Wisdom to Survive) and hold a discussion afterward. Don’t forget the popcorn!
  • Forums
    • Host a “works in progress series” that allows students to share their research, test their presentation skills and get some constructive criticism.
  • Information Booth
    • Set-up a booth/table with club information on campus. If space permits, you can separate the four different fields into separate tables.
  • Department Open House & Tours
    • Set up a table in the anthropology department and provide tours of campus museums, etc.

Anthropology Day Campaign Checklist

This checklist will help organize your successful event.

At Least Four Weeks before Launch

  • Recruit volunteers to help implement your event
  • Meet with your team to brainstorm other unique ways to promote the day
  • Contact AAA with your event plans
  • Reach out to local schools and community centers about holding an event

Three Weeks before Launch

  • Secure date(s) and venue(s) to set up event
  • Reach out to anthropologists on campus at the undergraduate, graduate, and faculty levels who could participate, provide tours, or share their work.

Two Weeks before Launch

  • Create flyers or other materials promoting the campaign.
  • Checkout the AAA posters and logos available to help promote your event
  • Email participants with a schedule of the event(s) your group will be hosting.
  • Use the AAA Media Toolkit to share your event with local media!

One Week before Launch

  • Meet with your team to discuss roles and responsibilities.
  • Email and share your event on social media to engage additional potential participants. Have a member of your club, group, or department share why they love anthropology each day leading up to Anthropology Day. Make sure you mention AAA or use #AnthroDay.

During the Campaign

  • Send campaign updates including photos of events and stories from attendees. We will post your updates social media to spotlight your activity.

After the Campaign

  • Provide feedback to AAA about how the campaign went, including suggestions for next year.