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2023 AnthroDay Celebrations

We’ve compiled some AnthroDay celebration activities submitted by the 2023 participants. Read how others are celebrating and get inspired!

  • Anne Arundel Community College – Two virtual talks, open to the public, with subject experts. Topics include.
    • The Anthropology of Human Space Exploration – Thursday, February 16, from 11am – 12:15pm (Register)
    • NASA and Space Force: The Architects of Humanity Away from Earth – Thursday, February 16 from 2:00pm – 3:15pm (Register)
  • AnthroDay Milano – Is planning three days of programming starting on February 16. The extensive program includes workshops, meetings, and walking tours that will show how anthropology can serve and improve the world.
  • Brown University – Hosting an open house on February 15 and 16 for prospective concentrators!
  • California State University, Long Beach, Department of Anthropology – A variety of events to celebrate the day including a podcast, film screenings, bingo, forensics table, pottery making, and storytelling booth.
  • Charlotte’s Anthropology Legion – Is planning a mock field site for an archaeological dig. In addition to Charlotte’s Anthropology legion members, members of a local high school anthropology club will be invited to participate.
  • Grand Valley State University Anthropology Club – Planning to go to K-12 schools to spread awareness of anthropology as an academic discipline, as well as host activities in their university’s student center
  • Institute for Intercultural and Anthropological Studies, Western Michigan University – The Institute for Intercultural and Anthropological Studies faculty and the Anthropology Student Organization invites students, members of the Western Michigan University community, and the general public to celebrate Anthropology Day! IIAS is planning to highlight course offerings, discuss ongoing research, showcase artifacts from Fort St. Joseph and the IIAS Collections, and more! View the full IIAS celebration schedule here.
  • Lam Museum of Anthropology, Wake Forest University – Presenting a lecture by new WFU Anthropology Department Assistant Professor, Dr. Timothy Gitzen entitled “Bunkers and Museums: Demilitarizing Art in South Korea” at 6pm ET.
  • The Lens of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology – The Lens of Anthropology is the name of an academic and intellectual practice platform of the Anthropology Department of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh established in 2019. They are celebrating Anthropology Day through workshops, seminars, and competitions! Learn more about the 2023 Lens of Anthropology event here.
  • Northern Illinois University – Hosting an international game night!
  • Purchase College, SUNY, Anthropology Club – Holding a film screening and raffle with anthropology trivia.
  • Splat Lab – We will be hosting one of our popular FREE virtual classes in the series “Splat Lab at Home” for World Anthropology Day, and we will be discussing the cross-cultural uses of Gold! We will be ending with an art project where participants get to design their own “gold artifacts,” and share their creations with the group! Learn more and enroll here!
  • University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus – Anthropology students in Trinidad and Tobago will share on their experiences of a virtual exchange with undergraduate students at an American university, learning about cultural particularities and cross-cultural similarities. Students in the Caribbean will also share on their semester-long virtual and in-person ethnographic projects on a various topics, posted on the department’s “Doing Ethnography” blog.
  • Wilbur Wright College Anthropology Discipline – Holding an event featuring live commentary by anthropology faculty on current and classic popular movie clips that have an anthropological theme, using a Mystery Science Theater 3000 model!
  • Wilkes Honors College, Florida Atlantic University – Is hosting an “Open Lab” event that invites people to come and visit the Anthropology Lab on campus and learn more about anthropology. They are also visiting a local elementary school as part of their “Anthropology Club” outreach program.