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Department Climate and Academic Workload in Anthropology Departments

Scholars of intersectional identities face unique challenges in their departments including disproportionate workloads, excessive service assignments, and additional mentorship obligations. Patricia A. Matthew, an English department faculty member at Montclair […]

2023 AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting: Transitions

Metro Toronto Convention Centre 255 Front St W, Toronto, ON, Canada

The 2023 AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting will again be a hybrid meeting. This means the meeting will take place in-person in Toronto, ON, CA, from November 15-19, 2023, as well as online over those same dates. The place-based meeting in Toronto will look and feel very similar to annual meetings of the past. As we continue […]

AnthroDay Kick-Off Event: AAA Executive Director’s Journey in Anthropology

Please join us for the AAA-hosted Anthropology Day Kick-Off event on February 8, from 6-7 PM EST! This is an exciting opportunity to hear from AAA’s Executive Director Ady Arguelles-Sabatier about her journey in anthropology. After studying anthropology in college, Ady worked for many years in event planning, business strategy, and fundraising, until her career […]

Anthro Camp: SACC San Diego Regional Meeting

San Diego Miramar College

San Diego Regional Conference – Feb 16-17 at San Diego Miramar College, San Diego, CA ($75 Friday, +$25 per workshop Saturday). Call for proposals extended to Jan 5! Please consider sharing an activity, game, anthropology-related skill that teachers can share with students. We are looking for ways to make our courses more engaging, hands-on, and support the students […]