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Reprints & Permissions

The American Anthropological Association (AAA) is happy to accept requests to copy and reprint articles from its publications.

Permissions for Articles Published after 2013

In an effort to make the journal permissions process as easy and efficient as possible for reprinting, the AAA has partnered with the Copyright Clearance Center to bring you Rightslink® on AnthroSource. Rightslink is an automated reprint and permissions service, which allows you to request and clear rights online for AAA journal articles published in or after 2013.

With Rightslink, you can republish material from an AAA journal in the classroom, in a print or electronic course packet, in a library E-reserve, for distance learning, in conference/workshop materials, on a secured website, CD-ROM/DVD, or in a book, journal, newsletter, newspaper, brochure, or email. Simply

  • Locate your desired content on AnthroSource
  • Click the “Reprints & Permissions” link/icon to open a Rightslink window
  • Create an account with Rightslink if you haven’t already
  • Select the way you wish to reuse the content
  • Accept the terms and conditions* and submit your request.
  • As a contingency of republication, the AAA asks that you contact the author of the journal content for separate permission.

To order permission for AAA journal content not yet available on AnthroSource, please visit Copyright Clearance Center’s website: or call 978-646-8600 to speak to a representative.

Paper reprints are limited to content available electronically through AnthroSource.

For articles published prior to 2013 or if you are unable to connect to Copyright Clearance Center, you may also request permission for any journals published by the American Anthropological Association by filling out this form and submitting your request.

Public Domain in AAA Journals

Please note that AAA article content published before 1923 is in the public domain and may be used and copied without permission. The AAA asks only that you include a complete reference to the original publication and a link to AnthroSource.

All Other Permissions

If you are an author/represent a publishing company who/which would like to include content originally published before 2013 in an AAA book by another author in a reader, anthology, second serial, digest, syndication, or non-book (dramatization, motion picture [sight and sound], radio, television or electronic recording), send a formal request.

Please include

  • A fully completed copy of this form, and
  • Contact information of the individual to whom the contract-invoice should be addressed, including full name, address, email, and fax number (if applicable).

Authors/publishing companies who/which submit permission requests will receive a contract that outlines the fee for the article and conditions of use. Upon confirmation with AAA permissions associate that they would like to move forward, the permissions associate will contact the author and seek their permission.

If you are seeking permissions for content published 2013 onwards, please send an email with full details of you request including publication citation and the nature of the reuse.

Information for AAA Authors

Authors have standing permission to reproduce free of charge their past contributions to AAA publications in new books they are writing or editing. This provision is included in the contract signed by an author when he or she contributes to an AAA publication.

Fee Schedule for AAA Reprints

  • $50 per page or significant part thereof (print/ebook publication)

For articles published before 2013, fees charged are divided equally between the AAA sponsor and the author of the article (the permissions contract gives an author the opportunity to waive his or her half of the fee). Due to the enormous cost burden of administering the author share, as of 2013 the author share of fees charged is eliminated.

If you would like to reproduce AAA materials in other formats than those listed above, please contact us with a completed copy of this form to receive a price quote.

Please understand that the AAA cannot waive its half of permission fees.

The AAA no longer handles permission requests for The American Folklore Society, or its Journal of American Folklore. For permission requests regarding JAF volumes 116 through the present, please contact the University of Illinois Press permissions Web page or through the following contact information:

  • Permissions Manager
    phone (217) 244-6488;
    University of Illinois Press
    1325 South Oak Street
    Champaign, IL 61820-6903
    fax (217) 244-8082

For permission requests prior to volume 116 of JAF, contact:

  • Timothy Lloyd
    Executive Director
    American Folklore Society
    Mershon Center
    Ohio State University
    1501 Neil Avenue
    Columbus, OH 43201-2602
    tel 614/292-3375; fax 614/292-2407; e-mail
    Permission Requests for Margaret Mead Publications

AAA is now fielding permission requests for the previously published works of Margaret Mead. Please address all requests to the AAA Permissions Department via email.

For inquiries regarding Mead archives, please contact the appropriate institution. You may wish to visit the website of the Institute for Intercultural Studies for more information: