American Ethnological Society
- The Sharon Stephens First Book Award
- Senior Book Prize
- Elsie Clews Parsons Award For Best Graduate Student Paper
- AES Small Grant Award for Graduate Student Research
- AES Student Diversity Travel Grant
Anthropology and Environment Society
- Roy A Rappaport Graduate Student Award in Environmental Anthropology
- Junior Scholar Award
- Julian Steward Book Award
- Next Generation Award
- Awards web page
Archaeology Division
- The Gordon R. Willey Prize for Excellence in Archeological Research
- The Patty Jo Watson Distinguished Lecturer
- Alfred Vincent Kidder Award
- Student Membership\ Award
- Student Diversity Travel Grant
- AD Grant Program for Archiving Digital Data
- Awards web page
Association for Africanist Anthropology
- Nancy Schwartz Undergraduate Student Paper Award
- Elliott P. Skinner Book Award
- Distinguished Lecture
- Bennetta Jules-Rosette Graduate Student Paper Award
- Awards web page
Association for Feminist Anthropology
- Zora Neale Hurston Travel Grant
- Sylvia Forman Undergraduate Student Paper Award
- Sylvia Forman Graduate Student Paper Award
- Dissertation Award
- AFA Michelle Rosaldo Book Prize
- AFA Career Award
- Awards web page
Association for Political and Legal Anthropology
- Student Paper Prize
- Book Prize
- Awards web page
Association for Queer Anthropology
- Ruth Bennedict Prize Best Anthology
- Ruth Benedict Prize Outstanding Monograph
- Kenneth W Payne Student Prize
- Awards web page
Association of Black Anthropologists
- Vera Green Award
- The John L Gwaltney Native Anthropology Scholarship
- Legacy Scholar Awards
- Johnnetta B Cole Student Travel Award
- Margaret Clark Award for Student Papers
- Awards web page
Association of Indigenous Anthropologists
- Lifetime Achievement Award
Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists
- Book Award
- Awards web page
Biological Anthropology Section
- W. W. Howells Book Prize in Biological Anthropology
- Student Prize
- Awards web page
Council for Museum Anthropology
- The Michael Ames Prize for Innovative Museum Anthropology
- Lifetime Achievement/Distinguished Service Award
- CMA Student Travel Award
- CMA Book Award
- Awards web page
Council on Anthropology and Education
- Outstanding Dissertation Awards
- George and Louise Spindler Award
- Early Career Fellowship
- Awards web page
Critical Urban Anthropology Association
- CUAA Senior Scholor/Lifetime Award
- Undergraduate Student Paper Prize
- Graduate Student Paper Prize
- Anthony Leeds Prize in Urban Anthropology
- Awards web page
Culture and Agriculture
- Robert M. Netting Undegraduate Student Paper Prize in Culture and Agriculture
- Robert M. Netting Graduate Student Paper Prize in Culture and Agriculture
- Awards web page
General Anthropology Division
- General Anthropology Award for Exemplary Cross-Field Scholarship
- Diane Forsythe Prize
- New Directions Award
- CASTAC David Hakken Prize
- Awards web page
Middle East Section
- Outstanding Student Paper Prize
- MES Book Award
- Distinguished Scholar
- Awards web page
National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
National Association of Student Anthropologists
- Emerging Leaders in Anthropology Award
- Carrie Hunter Tate Award Undergraduate Student
- Carrie Hunter Tate Award Graduate Student
- Awards web page
Society for Anthropological Sciences
- Student Travel Award
- H. Russell Bernard Graduate Student Paper Prize
- Carol. R. Ember Book Prize
- Awards web page
Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges
- SACC Teacher of the Year
- SACC Student Award for Creativity, Leadership or Community Service
- SACC Student Award for Academic Excellence
- Awards web page
Society for Cultural Anthropology
- Gregory Bateson Prize
- Cultural Horizons Prize
- Awards web page
Society for East Asian Anthropology
- The Francis L. K. Hsu Book Prize
- David Plath Media Award
- SEAA Prize for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper
- Awards web page
Society for Economic Anthropology
- SEA Book Prize
- Harold K Schneider Prize
- Halperin Award for Graduate Research
- M. Estellie Smith Award
- Awards web page
Society for Humanistic Anthropology
- Edie Turner First-Book Prize in Ethnographic Writing
- Victor Turner Prize in Ethnographic Writing
- Ethnographic Poetry Competition
- Ethnographic Fiction Competition
- Awards web page
Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology
- Whiteford Graduate Student Award in Applied Anthropology
- Roseberry-Nash Award
- SLACA Book Prize
- Awards web page
Society for Linguistic Anthropology
- The Sapir Book Prize
- SLA Student Essay Prize
- SLA Award for Public Outreach and Community Service
- SLA Interdisciplinary Public Engagement Award
- Awards web page
Society for Medical Anthropology
- WHR Rivers Undergraduate Student Paper Competition
- The Steven Polgar Professional Paper Competition
- Science and Medicine in South Asia Graduate Student Paper Prize
- New Millennium Book Award
- MASA Graduate Student Mentor Award
- Dissertation Award
- George Foster Memorial Prize in the Practice of Medical Anthropology
- Eileen Basker Memorial Prize
- Charles Hughes Graduate Student Paper Competition
- Career Achievement Award
- Hazel Weidman Award for Exemplary Service to SMA
- CAR – Graduate Student Paper Prize
- CAR – Edited Collection Most Enduring Collection
- CAGH Rudolf Virchow Award, Professional Category
- CAGH Rudolf Virchow Award, Graduate and Undergraduate Student Paper Awards
- Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Study Group’s Annual Graduate Student Paper Prize
- Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Student Group Graduate Student Travel Award
- AIDS and Anthropology Research Group’s Distinguished Service Award & Paper Prizes
- Awards web page
Society for Psychological Anthropology
- Stirling Prize for Best Work in Psychological Anthropology
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Condon Prize for Best Student Essay
- Boyer Prize for Contributions to Psychoanalytic Anthropology
- Awards web page
Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness
- Distinguished Lecturer
- Distinguished Article Award
Society for the Anthropology of Europe
- William A. Douglas Book Prize in Europeanist Anthropology
- Student Paper Competition Graduate Student
- SAE Council of European Studies Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Award
- Awards web page
Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition
Society for the Anthropology of North America
- Distinguished Achievement in the Critical Study of North America
- SANA Book Prize
- St. Clair Drake Travel Grant
- Eleanor “Happy” Leacock Travel Grant
- Awards web page
Society for the Anthropology of Religion
- SAR Student Paper Prize
- Clifford Geertz Prize in the Anthropology of Religion
- Awards web page
Society for the Anthropology of Work
- SAW Book Award
- Eric R Wolf Prize
- Diana Forsythe Prize (Awarded jointly with CASTAC, a Committee of GAD)
- Conrad Arensberg Award
- Awards web page
Society for Visual Anthropology
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Collier Award for Books Featuring Still Photography
- Awards web page