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SAFN’s Student Research Award

The Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition invites applications for our $800 annual research award for Masters or PhD level students at an accredited college or university with a concentration in food and nutritional anthropology. The funding is intended to support the research phase of the project. This year we are particularly interested in decolonized, ethical research focused on food justice and food sovereignty.

Winners will be recognized at SAFN’s Reception at the annual American Anthropological Association meeting.


In order to apply, applicants must:

  1. Be enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program at an accredited university.
  2. Be a student member of SAFN.
  3. Be engaged directly in questions pertaining to food and nutrition studies. All four sub-fields of anthropology are encouraged to apply as well as interdisciplinary fields that engage in anthropological methods and theory.
  4. Propose an original research project. This doesn’t preclude predissertation research, the analysis of secondary sources or archival work but does preclude literature review-based research.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be judged along the following criteria:

  1. Overall quality and importance of the proposed research.
  2. Use of and engagement with theory and methods in food and nutritional anthropology.
  3. Coherency of the argument and the value of the proposed research.
  4. Feasibility of research design.
  5. Evidence of decolonized, ethical research methods focused on food justice and food sovereignty.

Complete Applications must include the following:

  1. Project proposal of no more than four double-spaced pages. The project proposal should address the following questions:
  2. What is the research question?
  3. How does this research address questions of food and nutrition or closely related topics?
  4. How is this research situated in existing literature, including the importance and contribution of this research to the field in which it is situated?
  5. Explain the research design, including the methods and data analysis.
  6. What experience has prepared the applicant to undertake this research including language training, research training, and previous experience, program description and mentor?
  7. Applicant’s CV
  8. Budget of anticipated expenses.
  9. Letter of recommendation from student’s primary advisor attesting to student’s preparation and status (e.g., having passed qualifying exam, defended proposal, etc.)

Application Process: Send all application materials and direct inquiries to Dr. Amanda Green (ude.uke@neerg.adnama), SAFN President-Elect, . Put “SAFN Student Research Award” in the subject line.

DEADLINE: March 30, 2023

Please visit SAFN website for more information