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SAFN Christine Wilson Award

The Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN) is pleased to invite students to submit papers in competition for the Christine Wilson Award presented to outstanding undergraduate and graduate student research papers that examine topics within the perspectives in nutrition, food studies and anthropology.

Papers may report on research undertaken in whole or in part by the author. Co–authored work is acceptable, provided that submitting student is first author. Papers must have as their primary focus an anthropological approach to the study of food and/or nutrition and must present original, empirical research; literature reviews are not eligible. Papers that propose a new conceptual framework or outline novel research designs or methodological approaches are especially welcome. Papers can be submitted for publication at the time of their submission to the Wilson award, but they cannot be in the revision process or accepted for publication. Winners will be recognized and presented with an award at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association and receive a year’s membership in SAFN.


Students (undergraduate or graduate) must be currently enrolled or enrolled during the past academic year.


  1. The text of papers should be no longer than 25 pages, double-spaced, and follow AAA style guidelines.
  2. Please delete identifying information and submit along with the CWA cover sheet available on the SAFN website.

Please submit both documents as an email attachment to: Dr. Ryan Adams, SAFN Award Committee (ude.gnimocyl@rsmada). Include “Christine Wilson Award” in the subject line..

Please visit the SAFN website for more information