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Palestine-Israel Fellowship Fund for Travel (PIFFT)

The AAA recognizes those Israeli government policies and practices that make it difficult for Palestinian and dissenting Israeli academics to effectively collaborate with colleagues internationally. The intention of the Palestine-Israeli Fellowship Fund for Travel (PIFFT) is to ameliorate these obstructions and obstacles. In the first instance, PIFFT is designed to support Palestinian scholars. It may also support those dissenting scholars whose academic freedom is limited. Finally, the Fund may support visiting scholars to the region who face the obstructions and obstacles noted above. Read more about PIFFT’s origins in this full letter from past AAA President Alisse Waterston (PDF) in Anthropology News.


PIFFT is open to all AAA members and to otherwise eligible nonmembers for whom the cost of membership constitutes a hardship. Nonmembers should indicate need for a one-year free membership through the fund as part of their application. Among its findings, the Task Force on Israel Palestine report documents that life conditions and the social and political subordination of Palestinian academics make it unlikely that Palestinian anthropologists will be able to afford membership to AAA. The intention of the PIFFT is to help ameliorate those conditions and remove obstructions for scholarly exchange. Thus, eligibility criteria must facilitate and not hinder such exchange.

Open to all AAA members and to otherwise eligible nonmembers for whom the cost of membership constitutes a hardship. Non-members who are otherwise eligible may apply for a one-year free membership through the fund as part of their application.

-Palestine Israel Fellowship Fund Review Committee

PIFFT is intended to create a travel fellowship award program that will aid and support any or all of the following:

  • The cost of travel for Palestinian scholars or students to the annual meeting of the AAA with complementary one year membership as per need.
  • The cost of travel for dissenting Israeli scholars and students who seek open engagement with their colleagues in Palestine.
  • The cost of travel for visiting scholars in anthropology to serve as teachers, mentors and/or research collaborators with colleagues at universities and research centers in Israel and Palestine.

Before applying, please download and review this document to make certain that you are eligible.

Application Requirements

  • Application form: complete the fellowship application form.
  • Application statement: In 500-1000 words, describe the purpose of your proposed travel. Please include in your description the value of the trip to scholarly exchange on topics of anthropological interest in Israel-Palestine, and the benefit of the travel to your research, teaching, or mentoring work in the field.
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  • Letter of Recommendation: Applicants must obtain a letter written in support of the application from a scholar familiar with their work and research aspirations. In those cases where a letter of support from a hosting scholar is required, this letter of recommendation should be from a different scholar. It is the applicant’s responsibility to be sure that the letter is received by the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Only one letter of recommendation will be accepted.

Submission Deadline: March 15, 2024

Please contact us if you have questions or comments.

While we remain deeply saddened by the devastating impact of the recent hurricanes in Florida and wish for a swift recovery, the Tampa Convention Center and the hotels hosting our Annual Meeting in Tampa from November 20-23 have confirmed they are "open and fully operational." We look forward to supporting the residents of Tampa and seeing you there, either in person or virtually. View a list of organizations accepting donations in Florida.