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SfAA/AAA Margaret Mead Award

Margaret Mead portrait in sepiaThe Margaret Mead Award, offered jointly by the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), is presented to a younger scholar for a particular accomplishment, such as a book, film, monograph, or service, which interprets anthropological data and principles in ways that make them meaningful to a broadly concerned public. The award is designed to recognize a person clearly and integrally associated with research and/or practice in anthropology. The awardee’s activity will exemplify skills in broadening the impact of anthropology — skills for which Margaret Mead was admired widely.

Nominees for the 2024 award must have received the PhD degree after January 1, 2014 (ten years or less ago). Each application must include the nominee’s curriculum vitae, 2 letters of recommendation describing the accomplishment and documenting its impact on relevant publics beyond the discipline, and four copies of the book or film.

Nominees’ contributions will be judged using the following criteria:

  • intellectual quality
  • clarity and understandability
  • the extent or depth of impact and
  • breadth of impact.
  • The selection committee consists of two persons appointed by the Society for Applied Anthropology and two persons appointed by the American Anthropological Association.

Please email a nomination letter, CV, and two letters of recommendation to gro.orhtnadeilppa@ofni.

Publishers: addresses for shipping books will be provided upon request to the SfAA office gro.orhtnadeilppa@ofni.

Deadline for receipt of materials is February 15 each year. Supporting material will not be returned unless specifically requested.

The 2024 Award winner will be announced during the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Presentation of the Award plaque and stipend will be made jointly by the SfAA and AAA during the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology in Spring 2024.

Past Recipients

Read about past award recipients.