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Standford University Press - Your Source for Transformative AnthropologyStandford University Press - Your Source for Transformative Anthropology

Distinguished Lecturer

Selected by a panel of AAA past presidents, and established in 1969, a Distinguished Lecturer is named biennially to recognize intellectual contributions in anthropology. The text of the recipient’s lecture, presented at the AAA Annual Meeting, is published in American Anthropologist.

Previous Distinguished Lecturers

2021 Faye Harrison

2018 Emily Martin

2016 Frans de Waal

2014 Bruno Latour

2012 Rayna Rapp

2010 Jeremy Sabloff

2008 Johnetta Cole

2006 Sydel Silverman

2004 Robert Edgerton

2002 Fredrik Barth

2000 Laura Nader

1998 Emoke Szathmary

1997 Yolanda T Moses

1996 Sidney W Mintz

1994 Patty Jo Watson

1992 J. Desmond Clark

1991 Marvin Harris

1990 Floyd G Lounsbury

1989 Eric R Wolf

1988 Mary T Douglas

1987 Albert C Spaulding

1986 David F Aberle

1985 David R Pilbeam

1984 Charles F Hockett

1983 Clifford Geertz

1982 Marshall Sahlins

1981 Kent Flannery

1980 Raymond Firth

1979 Eliot D Chapple

1978 Milton Singer

1977 F. Clark Howell

1976 Robert McC. Adams

1975 Elizabeth Colson

1974 Miguel Leon-Portilla

1973 John W M Whiting

1972 George Condominas

1971 Robert Braidwood

1970 Joseph Greenberg