The American Anthropological Association is pleased to announce the annual competition for the Conrad Arensberg Award, which honors individuals who have furthered anthropology as a natural science. Throughout his life, Arensberg was a systematizer who worked to include a variety of disciplines and sub-disciplines into the study of human communities. His work incorporated analogies with biological natural history, combining biological and cultural perspectives, and taking account of ecology and geography. He was allied with sociology and social psychology and spoke of the importance of quantitative approaches. The $4,000.00 award will be given in recognition of work that treats one or more of these topics in a fresh and innovative fashion. The presentation of the award will take place at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Learn more about the life and work of Conrad Arensberg.
This award is made possible by a gift from the estate of Vivian Garrison Arensberg.
Nomination Guidelines
Both nominations and direct applications are welcome to apply. Applications/nominations can be submitted from any career level but need to be based on a sufficient body of published work for the person’s contribution to be critically evaluated. Applicants or nominees should submit a CV and/or website URL, including links to or copies of papers and/or books that most directly support the application. Please also include a narrative of approximately 500 words outlining how the applicant or nominee has used natural science in the analysis of anthropological problems. Submit three reference letters that the Committee can consult about the application/nomination. Nominees/applicants must be a AAA member at the time of the award.
Application Requirements
- Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae or Resume
- Links to copies of papers and/or books that most directly support the application
- Narrative outlining how the applicant or nominee has used natural science in the analysis of anthropological problems
- 3 reference letters
Submission Deadline: March 7, 2025
Please contact us if you have questions or comments.
Previous Recipients
Arensberg, C. (1981). Cultural Holism through Interactional Systems. American Anthropologist, 83(3), 562–581.