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Alfred Vincent Kidder Award for Eminence in the Field of American Archaeology

Established in 1950, the Alfred Vincent Kidder Award for Eminence in the Field of American Archaeology was given every three years to an outstanding archaeologist specializing in the archaeology of the Americas. The award has been given alternately to specialists in Mesoamerican archaeology and the archaeology of the Southwestern region — areas that were both central to the pioneering and exemplary work of A. V. Kidder.

This award, presented by the AAA but selected by the Archaeology Division of AAA, is now given every two years. Nominations should be sent by February 15 of the year in which the award is given to the Archaeology Division Secretary. They should comprise a cover letter of nomination, stating explicitly the qualifications and accomplishments of the nominee, and a CV. They will be reviewed by a specially selected Kidder Award Committee.

Please address all nomination materials to the Kidder Award committee and send either by mail or as an email attachment to the Archaeology Division Secretary who will forward materials to the selection committee. The Secretary’s contact information can be found on the AD website.

Learn more about the award.

Previous Recipients

2022 Awardees

The General Call for Participation is now open. Submit your proposal, present your research, and tell your story this November at the AAA Annual Meeting in New Orleans.