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2022 Award Recipient

Dr. Farha Ghannam

Dr. Farha Ghannam is the recipient of the 2022 AAA Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Anthropology. This prestigious award is given to anthropology teachers that have “impacted the discipline through outstanding teaching and inspiration to their students.”

Throughout her twenty-one-year career, Dr. Ghannam has been recognized for her exceptional teaching with awards and honors including the Elizabeth Bond Award and the Lang Faculty Fellowship. Her former student, Matthew Kateb Goldman states that she has “ created a multi-generational community of thinkers who can attribute their lifelong critical and professional identities to the anthropological world that was opened for us in her classroom.”

Dr. Ghannam is the Eugene Lang Research Professor of Anthropology at Swarthmore College. Her research and teaching interests include urban life, spatial practices, embodiment, gender, food and taste, and class politics. Currently, she is working on a book entitled, The Gender of Class: Social Inequalities in Urban Egypt. Dr. Ghannam’s work has appeared in several journals including American Ethnologist, Visual Anthropology, the Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, City and Society, and Ethnos. She is the current Association for Middle East Anthropology (AMEA) president. Before AMEA, she served as the president of the Middle East Section of the AAA. Her books include, Remaking the Modern: Space, Relocation, and the Politics of Identity in a Global Cairo (UC, Berkeley 2002) and Live and Die Like a Man: Gender Dynamics in Urban Egypt (Stanford 2013).