Vincent Crapanzano

CUNY Graduate Center, Center for Human Environments | Distinguished ProfessorMember since 1969

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My Biography

Vincent Crapanzano teaches at the CUNY Graduate Center. He received his A.B. in philosophy from Harvard, and his PhD in anthropology from Columbia. He has taught at Princeton, Harvard, the University of Chicago, and in Paris, Brazil, and Cape Town and has lectured at major universities in the United States and abroad. He has been interested in hermeneutics, pragmatics, literary, philosophical, and psychiatric anthropology. He has done fieldwork with the Navajo, in Morocco, South Africa, the United States (with Christian fundamentalists and legal conservatives) and in France with the Harkis. Among his books are The Hamadsha, Tuhami, Waiting: the Whites of South Africa, Hermes’ Dilemma and Hamlet’s Desire; Serving the Word: Imaginative Horizons, and Recapitulations, a memoir. He has been a Guggenheim fellow, a Fulbright scholar (Brazil), a Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar, a Jensen Memorial Lecturer in Frankfurt, and a fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. He was president of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, from which he recently received a lifetime achievement award.