Scott Russell

Emeritus Professor | Mesa Community CollegeMember since 1972

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My Biography

Scott Russell (B.A. Double Major in History and Anthropology, University of New Mexico, 1971; M.A. Anthropology, Arizona State University, 1978; Ph.D. Anthropology, Arizona State University, 1983; M.S. Agribusiness, Arizona State University, 1991) has completed dozens of research projects, principally on the Navajo Nation. His doctoral research was on Navajo economics and agriculture. Scott was the main expert for the Navajo Nation for 10 years in the 1934 Land Dispute, a legal dispute that was concerned with seven million acres of the Navajo Indian Reservation–for this case he conducted over 2,000 interviews with elderly Navajos. Scott has also worked to protect Native American Sacred Sites in the Southwest. In addition, he conducted several medical research studies and many studies on Navajo history, archaeology, and ethnohistory. Scotts expertise is in Native Americans of the Southwest, Economic Anthropology, Ethnohistory, Ethnoarchaeology, and Navajo. Much of Scott’s career has been supporting tribes in the Southwest based on the needs they have established. He has also been honored to teach many thousands of students (over many decades) about how anthropology views the world and cultural diversity and who we are as human beings. “Hopefully, some of them listened and learned.” Scott first attended the AAA annual meeting in 1973.