Randall McGuire

Randall McGuire

(he/him/el) SUNY Distinguished Professor | Binghamton UniversityMember since 1972

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My Biography

Randall McGuire (BA University of Texas, 1974; MA University of Arizona, 1978; PhD. University of Arizona 1982) is an expertise lies in Archaeology in Native American Studies, Community Research, Marxism, Social Theory, Critical Theory, Praxis, Northern México, Southwestern Archaeology, Historical Archaeology, Contemporary Archaeology, Ethnohistory, Cultural Resource Management, Inequality and Stratification, and Identity. In his earliest research, Randall did prehistoric and historical archaeology in CRM, in southern Arizona. This included the La Ciudad project in Phoenix, Arizona. In 1985, he began long term research with the Trincheras Tradition in northern Sonora, Mexico. This work continues to today. In the 1990s, Randall participated in the Colorado Coalfield War of 1913-1914 project that did excavations at the site of the Ludlow, Massacre. Since 2011, he has done a contemporary archaeology study of the U.S. – Mexico border wall in Ambos Nogales. Randall’s first AAA annual meeting attended was in 1976.