Petra Kuppinger

Petra Kuppinger

AAA Section Convener

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My Biography

Petra Kuppinger is Professor of Anthropology at Monmouth College in Monmouth, IL, USA. She has conducted research on space, culture, power, and globalization in Cairo, Egypt; space, culture, and Islam in Stuttgart, Germany; and urban cultures and economies of re-use, repair, sharing, and care in Stuttgart, Germany. She is currently AAA Section Convener (2023-25) and a member of the Section Assembly Executive Committee. She has been active in AAA service and leadership for more than two decades and previously served as Councilor on the SUNTA (now CUAA) Board (2001-04), editor of City & Society (2006-13), President of SUNTA (now CUAA; 2014-16) and Large Section Representative on the Section Assembly Executive Committee (2018-21). She authored Cities and Spaces (2023); Faithfully Urban (2015); edited Emergent Spaces (2021), and co-edited Urban Life, 6th edition (2018). Her work has been published among other volumes and journals in City and Society; Culture and Religion; Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs; City and Community; Anthropological Quarterly; Social and Cultural Geography; Journal of Urban Affairs; Space and Culture; Contemporary Islam; Built Environment; The Geographical Review; and Geo Journal.