Patricia Partnow

Patricia Partnow

Partnow Consulting, OwnerMember since 1974

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My Biography

Patricia Partnow (she/her) (AB, Brown University, Anthropology, Magna cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1970; MA, Northwestern University, Anthropology, 1971; PhD, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Anthropology, 1993) is an expert in ethnohistory, ethnic identity, Alutiiq/Sugpiaq culture, indigenizing school curriculum, and oral tradition. She has conducted research on the Alaska Peninsula from 1991 to present on oral tradition as it relates to ethnic identity, ethnohistory of indigenous people of the area; museum research for Chugach Region, Alaska; stories of place throughout Alaska; history of Arctic Slope Native Association; and history and cultures of Alaska. Patricia attended her first AAA Annual Meeting around 1974.