Natalia Orrego Tapia

Natalia Orrego Tapia

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My Biography

Natalia Orrego Tapia has been selected as the recipient of the 2023 Carole H. Browner Latin American Studies Fellowship Fund for Travel (LASFFT). This is a need-based fund, made possible by a gift from Carole H. Browner, to be used solely for the purpose of supporting the travel for up to two graduate or undergraduate students from anywhere in Latin America to the American Anthropological Association (AAA) annual meeting.

Natalia Orrego Tapia is an Anthropology PhD Candidate at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and founder of the Latin American Network of Digital Anthropology, where she advocates for the use, reflection and research with/about/through technologies for the discipline in the dynamic regional context. She led the I Latin American Conference of Digital Anthropology in 2021 and the II Latin American Conference of Digital Anthropology in 2022, the former with funding from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. She works at the journal Big Data&Society as an editorial assistant and participates in the organization committee for the XI STS Chilean Conference for January 2024. There, she is leading the first mentorship program for the science and technology studies national community. Her main research interests are media infrastructures, data studies and telecommunication governance. Her dissertation is about the 5G network rollout in Chile, focusing on how it is created, used and resisted in everyday life.