Jeannette Lombardi - a woman with dark brown hair standing in front of trees, smiling wearing a white shirt

Jeannette Lombardi

2022 Summer Intern

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My Biography

Jeannette is a recent graduate from Monmouth University in New Jersey with a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and minors in Biology and Archaeology. She was also awarded the Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar in Anthropology for the 2021-2022 academic year. She will pursue her master’s degree in Biomedical Forensic Science at Syracuse University in New York in fall 2022. In October 2021, She presented her forensic anthropological and archaeological research on victims of the Cambodian genocide as well as biological research for the National Collegiate Honors Council. She performed field research in archaeology in Morristown, NJ on an American Revolution site and at the Cove House Tavern in Sandy Hook, NJ. She cataloged and identified over 3,000 culturally significant artifacts at a site in Middletown, NJ, and presented at the Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference in March 2022. In April 2022, she presented research on four ancient remains and their connection to present-day Native American groups for the Northeast Regional Honors Council. She has also worked for a Cultural Resource Management firm performing archaeological work as a field technician throughout New Jersey. Lombardi has completed two undergraduate theses – one for the Honors School on the agreement in sexing and estimating a set of human skeletal remains and the second on the effects of sexual dimorphism in the construction of femininity and masculinity, both of which were presented at research conferences held at Monmouth University.