Florence Babb

Florence Babb

AAA Executive Board Secretary

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My Biography

Florence E. Babb is the Anthony Harrington Distinguished Professor of Latin American Studies and Professor of Anthropology Emerita at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She also taught at Colgate University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Florida. Her areas of specialization include gender, race, and sexuality; cultural politics; feminist ethnography; travel and tourism. As a cultural anthropologist, Babb has carried out much of her research in Peru, but she has also worked in Nicaragua, Cuba, and Southern Mexico. Her latest book, Women’s Place in the Andes: Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology (U of California Press, 2018), examines feminist debates centering Andean women from the 1970s forward. She is now writing a multi-sited ethnography, Scaling Differences: Place, Race, and Gender in Andean Peru, based on her research in an Indigenous community, a provincial Andean city, and among Andean migrants in Lima. Her articles and book chapters have appeared in numerous venues, and she has received research awards and residencies from the Fulbright, Wenner-Gren, and Rockefeller Foundations, among others.