E. Paul Durrenberger, PhD

E. Paul Durrenberger, PhD

University of Iowa and Penn StateAAA Lifetime Member Since 1973 | GAD Member Since 2010

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“I am AAA because my 50 years of working to understand economic systems from the tribal to the industrial gave me the comparative vision to see that one of the keys to alternatives to industrial farming in Iowa is access to agricultural land for those who want to farm without crippling debt, that one of the remedies to our water pollution that is killing all life in the Gulf of Mexico is to farm sustainably and build our depleted soils, and that one way to improve our health is to make available healthy food. Anthropology shows us where problems are and ways we can work toward their solution. And it keeps us aware of our common humanity and that every person on this planet deserves one share of it. No more, no less.”