Dina Michael Asfaha

Dina Michael Asfaha

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My Biography

Dina M. Asfaha has been selected as the recipient for the 2023 Dissertation Fellowship for Historically Underrepresented Persons in Anthropology.

Dina M. Asfaha’s work engages medical anthropology, African studies, and science and technology studies (STS) to explore medicine, the state, and global health; statecraf and sovereignty; clinical practces and scientfc expertse; and infrastructure and innovaton in Africa and the African diaspora. Her dissertaton research focuses on the relatonship between sovereignty and medicine in Eritrea and is the frst scholarly treatment of the medical infrastructure that delivered victory in Eritrea’s liberaton struggle against imperial Ethiopia (1961-1991) — the longest war in modern African history. Dina’s research yields insights about understandings of medicine and governance in Eritrea as a critque of colonial rule and the implicatons of this politcal project amid competng geopolitcal agendas in the Horn of Africa.