Chaise LaDousa

Chaise LaDousa

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My Biography

Chaise LaDousa is Professor of Anthropology at Hamilton College and specializes in linguistic anthropology and education in India and the United States. He served as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology from 2018 to 2021 and the Program Chair for the first Biannual Conference of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology in 2018. His books include House Signs and Collegiate Fun (Indiana U Press, 2011) and Hindi Is Our Ground, English Is Our Sky (Berghahn 2014). He is currently working with Christina Davis (Western Illinois U) on the postcolonial politics of mother tongue and English at three universities in India. LaDousa was named the Christian A. Johnson Excellence in Teaching Professor in 2020 for his teaching in education, linguistics, and socio-cultural anthropology.