Bethe Hagens

Bethe Hagens

Walden University | Contributing Faculty, School of Public Policy and AdministrationMember since 1971

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My Biography

Bethe Hagens (PhD University of Chicago 1972) area of expertise in anthropology is, “Being” an anthropologist and bringing her evolving perspective on what that means to just about everything she does and is attracted to in her life. Her research projects included community and Midwest regional energy and technology, “Third World” conferencing, political construction of ethnic identity, the UVG Planetary “Earth Energy Grid, geometry and language, bullroarers and sonopoetic liminality, terraced perennial horticulture, and violin and native flute performances of mixed genres. Additional projects are catalogued on her CV and can be found Akashic Record, Research Gate, and Hagen’s first AAA annual meeting was in 1970.