AAA Announces 2023 Award Recipients

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AAA Swirl logoWe’re proud to announce this year’s recipients of the AAA Awards. Congratulations to all the honorees for their work in advancing the field of anthropology. The honorees will also be featured in the November/December issue of Anthropology News.

Applications for next year will open in 2024.  Learn more about all AAA Prizes and Awards.


AAA Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Patricia Antoniello

Anthropology in Media Award (AIME)

Adia Benton

Carole H Browner Latin American Studies Fellowship Fund for Travel

Natalia Orrego Tapia

Conrad M. Arensberg Award

Alexandra Brewis

David M. Schneider Award

Alison Hanson

Dissertation Fellowship for Historically Underrepresented Persons in Anthropology

Dina Asfaha

Franz Boas Award for Exemplary Service to Anthropology

Richard Handler

Gender Equity Award

Dána-Ain Davis

Sam Dubal Memorial Award for Anti-Colonialism and Racial Justice in Anthropology

Bertin Louis, Jr.

Setha M. Low Engaged Anthropology Award

Deborah Johnson-Simon

Alyssa James

The Robert B. Textor and Family Prize for Anticipatory Anthropology

Adriana Petryna