AAA 2022 Award Recipients

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We’re proud to announce this year’s award recipients. The honorees will also be featured in the November/December issue of Anthropology News.

Applications for next year will open in 2023.  Learn more about all AAA Prizes and Awards.

Dr. Doug Henry

AAA President’s Award

Dr. Doug Henry

Dr. Courtney Lewis

AAA President’s Award

Dr. Courtney Lewis

Janine Chiappa McKenna

AAA President’s Award

Janine Chiappa McKenna

Portrait of Farha Ghannam wearing a pink sweater and smiling at the camera.

AAA Award for Excellence in Undergraduate
Teaching of Anthropology

Dr. Farha Ghannam

A portrait of Alex Hinton wearing a dark suit and tie. He's smiling at the camera.

Anthropology in Media Award (AIME)

Dr. Alex Hinton

Conrad M. Arensberg award  

Dr. Dwight W. Read

A portrait of Justin Haruyama. He's wearing a dark jacket with a pink shirt. He's smiling at the camera.David M. Schneider Award

Justin Haruyama

A portrait of Prof. Leslie Aiello smiling at the camera. She's wearing glasses, a black jacket, and yellow shirt.Franz Boas Award for Exemplary Service to Anthropology

Portrait of Ann Stoler smiling at the camera. She's wearing glasses and a black jacket.
Gender Equity AwardDr. Ann Stoler
A portrait of Maya Kearney smiling at the camera Dissertation Fellowship for Historically
Underrepresented Persons in AnthropologyMaya S. Kearney
 A portrait of Lucas Bessire. He's wearing a gray jacket and blue shirt.

The Robert B. Textor and Family Prize
for Excellence in Anticipatory Anthropology 

Dr. Lucas Bessire


A portrait of Dr. James Diego Vigil smiling while holding a glass.Solon T. Kimball Award for Public and Applied Anthropology

Dr. James Diego Vigil

A composite photo featuring a headshot of Rebecca Galemba (left) and Suzette Chang (right)

A composite photo featuring a headshot of Julie Maldonado (left) and Betsy Taylor (right)

A portrait of Katherine Richardson Bruna

Setha M. Low Engaged Anthropology Award

Suzette Chang and Dr. Rebecca Galemba
Honorable Mention: Dr. Katherine Richardson Bruna, Dr. Julie Maldonado, and Dr. Betsy Taylor


Portraits of Jorge Molina and Thaina Gondim

Portraits of Arturo Mendiet and Debora Gerbaud

Portraits of Maria Jose Dia and Belen Lopez

Carole H Browner Latin American Studies Fellowship Fund for Travel

Maria Belen Lopez, Thaina Gondim Lucio, Arturo Mendieta, Jorge Molina, Maria Jose Dias Reyes, Debora Gerbaudo Suarez



A portrait of Jessica Cerdena sitting on a bench and smiling

Sam Dubal Memorial Award for

Anti-Colonialism and Racial Justice

Dr. Jessica Cerdeña



A potrait of Christina Schwenkel smiling at the camera.

E. Ohnuki-Tierney Book Award
for Historical Anthropology

Christina Schwenkel


Rosemary Joyce and Patricia A. McAnany

Alfred Vincent Kidder Award for Eminence

in the Field of American Archaeology

Patricia A. McAnany and Rosemary A. Joyce