Registration now Open for 2022 SLA Conference

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SLA 2022 is right around the corner!

Check out the NEW full program in booklet form with all abstracts included!

Please consider donating to the SLA Equitable Access Fund to help defray the increased costs of technology required to provide access to SLA 2022 for in-person, online, and hybrid modalities. 

The Executive Board of the SLA, together with the SLA 2022 Conference Organizing Committee, is pleased to announce the Full Program for the thrice-postponed SLA Spring Conference, to be held in Boulder, Colorado, and on the virtual platform during April 7-9, 2022. The SLA 2022 Full Program, inclusive of all updates and new submissions, can be found on our official SLA 2022 Trello Board. The conference will feature 500+ presentations from leading and emerging scholars of language in social life, including 80+ panels, roundtables, workshops, and poster sessions. The SLA 2022 Spring Conference is jointly organized by the Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA) and the Program in Culture, Language, and Social Practice (CLASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder. The conference theme is “Future Imperfect: Language in Times of Crisis and Hope.”

SLA 2022 will offer two tracks for participation. The Inperson/Hybrid Track provides full access to all in-person/hybrid and virtual track sessions, book exhibits, social events, and catered receptions. The Virtual Track, with reduced registration fees, provides access to sessions in the virtual track and a select streaming of inperson keynotes and sessions. Please register for the conference at our new SLA 2020 Conference Registration link.

As many of you are aware, we have had to shift the date of the conference semester-by-semester from the originally scheduled date of Spring 2020 to meet our contractual and financial agreements. We are thrilled that SLA 2022 is finally happening! The conference will officially begin on the morning of April 7, 2022 (Thursday) and continue through the evening of April 9, 2022 (Saturday), with pre-conference events scheduled for both inperson and virtual attendees on Wednesday afternoon and evening, April 6, 2022.

We are delighted to report that all four of our original keynote speakers (Letícia Cesarino, Michel DeGraff, Angela Reyes, Virginia Zavala) as well as our pre-conference plenary speaker (Shalini Shankar) will be attending the conference inperson. A pre-conference symposium on the “Language of Racism” will take place on Wednesday evening, featuring John Baugh, Elaine Chun, Christina Leza, Norma Mendoza-Denton, and Jacqueline Messing. The Virtual Track, which grants access to these plenaries, will broadcast additional plenaries by Krystal Smalls and the CLASP graduate student paper prize winner Kuo Zhang.

We look forward to greeting you in Spring 2022 to celebrate the beginning of a new era in the fight against Covid-19 and for the Society of Linguistic Anthropology. The conference organizers have created a stimulating and up-to-date program on the (still) acutely relevant theme of “Future Imperfect: Language in Times of Crisis and Hope.” We hope you will join us for the promised best party ever!

If you have additional questions or concerns, please consult our SLA 2022 Conference Organizing Team at moc.liamg@redluoBALS.

The General Call for Participation is now open. Submit your proposal, present your research, and tell your story this November at the AAA Annual Meeting in New Orleans.