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Reasons to Join the AAA

As a AAA member, you will join our active community of 8,000 members who are working together in the areas of academia, business, government, and nonprofits to advance and support the field of anthropology as the science that studies humankind in all its aspects through  archaeological,  biological,  cultural, and linguistic research.

When you join the AAA, your annual dues will help to strengthen our anthropological voice to ensure that we collectively:

Assist in Solving Human Problems

We collectively lift our voices together to advocate for issues that directly affect our world such as disaster response, immigration policy, climate change, wilderness preservation, and federal funding for the social sciences.

Build Your Community of Anthropologists

No matter your areas of focus our 38 sections and 13 interest groups specialize in a multitude of anthropological approaches from medical anthropology to museum anthropology to practicing and applied anthropology to sections that promote the work of anthropologists from underrepresented groups.

Advance Your Career

Stay informed about mentorships, internships, fellowships, and networking opportunities; publishing goals opportunities; and access to scholarly publications, career resources, and leadership development. You will also be able to submit proposals to meetings and conferences and we encourage you to get published in our members-only magazine,  Anthropology News as well as our 20+ scholarly journals.

Support and Promote the Field

Your membership will help us to advocate and promote the understanding of anthropology through our public education initiatives on RACE and the World on the Move: 100,000 Years of Human Migration and community events including annual Anthropology Day celebrations, book readings, Anthropologists Goes Back to School, and our partnership with the Smithsonian Folklife Festival.

Access Exclusive Member-Only Benefits

Enjoy many exclusive benefits that include membership in one or more specialized sections, access to over 250,000 anthropology-related articles on AnthroSource, the ability to present at the annual meeting, discount on registration costs to attend the annual meeting, the ability to collaborate with anthropologists via the Communities platform, the ability to publish in Anthropology News, and the opportunity to vote in AAA and section elections. Members also receive discounted access to additional benefits including insurance (health, life, home, auto, pet, and travel), library subscriptions, dossier services, and car rentals.