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Thanks for your interest in joining us; we can't wait to welcome you and build your community. Take a few minutes to explore and learn about our journeys to anthropology and to the AAA. We invite you to join us for as low as $49/year. When you join, you automatically receive access to membership in one or more of our specialized sections and their mentoring opportunities, you become a member of our community, and you obtain access to over 250,000 full-text articles in AnthroSource.


This category is open to students who are pursuing an advanced/graduate degree. All recent graduates (Masters and postdocs) are eligible for this category for one-year post graduation.

Category Term Limit

This category is available to students for twelve (12) years. After twelve (12) years, upon renewal, the student membership will automatically rollover to the professional member category. A one-time extension may be requested. As of February 2021, student ID verification is no longer required.


Join the AAA + (1) Section for as low as $49*/year.
*based on the lowest AAA dues tier and one section with $0 dues

Refund Policy

How to determine annual dues:

Identify your annual income tier + Corresponding AAA Dues + Add the dues of at least one section membership.

  • Section Add-On Requirement
    • All members are required to join at least one (1) section.
    • Many sections offer free or deeply-discounted student dues.
    • Additional sections and interest groups (which are free) may be added based on your interest.

Ability-to-pay tiers

Member dues for the Student category are based on the member's ability to pay. As such, the AAA offers a tiered-dues structure based on annual income.

Annual Income Student Dues
Tier 1 $0 - 9,999 $49
Tier 2 $10 - 19,999 $59
Tier 3 $20 - 29,999 $119
Tier 4 $30 - 49,999 $169
Tier 5 $50 - 74,999 $209
Tier 6 $75 - 99,999 $254
Tier 7 $100 - 149,999 $305
Tier 8 $150,000+ $356