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Attention AAA Members

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“I’m an anthropologist because I’m driven by persistent curiosity and longing to make sense of the different worlds I inhabit. I make ethnographic documentaries in places and communities where I grew up, and I feel a deep sense of gratitude and responsibility to capture and preserve snapshots of my interlocutors’ lives. It’s a privilege to be able to play this role of chronicler of stories, and to participate in the shared process of collective memory-making. Anthropology necessitates that we set aside our fears of the unknown and our ambivalence towards the other, letting our courage and faith in humanity guide our inquiry. Anthropology is not only a courageous science, but also a compassionate one. The job of an ethnographer is to elucidate what is previously hidden and do so in creative ways that promote empathy and understanding. I am AAA.”

"I am AAA because I believe that anthropology transforms how we approach and understand our world. Ethnographic insights into globally pressing issues such as urbanization and climate change have never been more critical than in the present moment. It is my goal to contribute such insights, both through my own ethnographic research examining shifting food supply systems in Bangalore, India, and through my work as an educator."

Ipsita Dey

Ipsita Dey

Ph.D. Candidate, Princeton University

"I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociocultural Anthropology at Princeton University. My dissertation project focuses on racial identity construction and environmental imagination among farming communities in the Sigatoka Valley, Fiji. Broadly construed, my research interests are in: political anthropology, environmental studies, Indigenous studies, diaspora studies, and agriculture and labor studies. The AAA annual conferences have been excellent opportunities for me to widen and diversify my theoretical and ethnographic interests, and have been the launching pad for several research and academic collaborations."

“I am AAA. I am both an anthropologist and psychologist.  In my scholarly work I have addressed how one has to factor in cultural factors of all sorts in addressing clinical issues of seniors, special needs populations, children, and people significantly different from one's self. This is true as a researcher and as a clinician and it is the mission SPA continues to address. I do book reviews in Anthropology, mostly for SAFN, but within the recent past for AWR, AAGE, Urban Anthropology, Psychological Anthropology, and Museum Anthropology. I teach a virtual class on History and Politics in the Older Adults Program at Santa Rosa Junior College.”

“I believe that engaging people in anthropological research can enhance their hope and agency while giving them the tools they need to promote social justice even under extremely challenging conditions. The Society for Psychological Anthropology has long been a village for me--a home where I have honed my craft as an ethnographer, a theorist, a teacher, and a conscientious human. I am so grateful that AAA as a whole has long fostered my connections with that section and others.”

Video Testimonials

Cathleen Crain and Janine Wedel

AAA members Cathleen Crain and Janine Wedel discuss their reasons for joining the association. Read other testimonials and submit yours today.

Emily Mendelhall and Susan Crate

AAA members Emily Mendelhall and Susan Crate discuss their reasons for joining the association.