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DSP Department Leaders Forum

The DSP Forum provides an opportunity for monthly conversations about the happenings in your department, with your career trajectory, within your administration, and with your students. The forum is a chance for networking in a safe environment for social support, information sharing, seed-plantings, and idea generation.

Forum Format

The forum allows for you to learn and discuss matters that directly affect your department. Each forum will be scheduled to allow for both education and open discussion.

Format participants will assist in generating the agenda for the next forum. We will continue conversations on the DSP Community platform.

Forum Calendar

In addition to having the opportunity to discuss the departmental impact of current events, the forum allows for department leaders to continue discussions generated at both the Department Leaders Summer Institute (June of alternating years) and the Annual Meeting’s Department Chairs Breakfast (November).

  • Winter/Spring: February, March
  • Fall: August, September, October

Upcoming Forums

Topic: Career Support for DSP Programs

Date: March 13, 2024

Time: 2pm – 3pm ET

In partnership with the Anthropology Career Readiness Network, the AAA event for DSP members delves into strategies for alleviating student career readiness issues. Participants identify and compile solutions and will leave the event with a robust set of ideas to bring back to their programs. Some proposed solutions will require additional development and refinement. A moderated discussion will be led by two members of the Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN).



Please contact: Daniel Ginsberg