Anthropologists bring unique and valuable skills to the workplace. Through cultural awareness, research, and communication skills, anthropologists have the knowledge to be successful in a wide range of careers. Communicating the value that your anthropological background brings to each position is essential as you search for a job.
Career Development
Whether you are a recent graduate or seasoned professional looking to change careers, heading into the job market can be intimidating. We’ve provided resources to help you prepare your job materials, communicate your anthropological skills in an interview, and find jobs that align with your passions.
- National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA) Career Development resources – If you are interested in practicing and applied anthropology NAPA provides a host of career resources, ranging from resume writing to mentoring.
- Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
- ACRN provides Job Seeker and Career Tools for anthropology students and graduates and a Workbook with exercises to prepare for and apply for employment.
- For instructors and Departments, it offers Instructor Tools, coaching on client-based class projects and on introducing career readiness into anthropology programs.
- Other useful career resources include ACRN’s Speaker’s Bureau and World of Work Blog.
- “Ten Tips Every Aspiring Forensic Anthropologist Should Know” by Katharine Pope, MA, D-ABMDI, for Anthropology News
- “Getting Down to Business and Making a Career with Anthropology: Guest Podcast w Adam Gamwell on Anthro Perspectives” – This Anthro Life Podcast
- Academic Hiring Rituals Podcast by APLA – In this podcast series, the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology explores the hiring process in academic departments around the world.
- Looking to land a tenure track teaching position? Check out the tips and worksheet provided by Dick Powis, medical anthropologist and Postdoctoral Fellow in the Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health at the University of South Florida College of Public Health, on how students and early scholars can prepare a strategy for the job market.
- “Anthropology Jobs: Finding Your Place in the Field” by Matt Artz – This article covers a wide range of job market issues, such as mentorship, networking, and internships.
To learn about more tips and tricks from anthropologists on how to advance your career in the private and academic sectors, watch the AAA Career Development webinar series.
Recommended reading for exploring anthropology careers
Interested in learning more about different careers for anthropology majors? Check out these readings!
- Designing an Anthropology Career: Professional Development Exercises – Sherylyn H. Briller and Amy Goldmacher
- Great Jobs for Anthropology Majors. 2nd ed – Blythe Camenson
- Anthropology in Practice: Building a Career Outside the Academy – Riall W. Nolan
- Using Anthropology in the World: A Guide to Becoming an Anthropologist Practitioner – Riall W. Nolan
- The Anthropology Graduate’s Guide: From Student to a Career by Carol Ellick and Joe Watkins
- So What Are You Going to Do With That?” Finding Careers Outside Academia – Susan Elizabeth Basalla and Maggie Debelius
Find and Post a Job
Anthropology Careers & Employment (ACE) is the official career site of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). The job board hosts positions and internships for various sectors that employ anthropologists.
ACE also provides career resource articles to help anthropologists stay up to date on how to advance their careers.
Explore opportunities through ACE
Job Market Research and Data
- Humanities Indicators Project from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Employment Opportunities for Undergraduate Anthropology Majors – AAA at a glance
- Employment Opportunities for Anthropology Doctorate Holders – AAA at a glance
- The 2019 American Anthropology Master’s Career Survey: The Face of Anthropology One Decade Later