2 events found.
SAR 2023 Spring Meeting: Religious Assemblages
University of Victoria Victoria, CanadaA signature contribution of the Society for the Anthropology of Religion, and the anthropology of religion more generally, has been to reveal both the overt and covert ways in which religious practice both informs and can be conjoined to myriad other domains of social life. From James Frazer’s interrogation of the pagan roots of Christianity to […]
2023 SEA Annual Meeting — Wellbeing And The Common Good
Norris University Center, Northwestern University , United StatesIn our third year of a global pandemic, we are stretched thin, suffering touches us all, and our wells of empathy seem to be running dry. And yet, despite this suffering many of us are also paying closer attention to our own well-being and to the well-being of those around us. In this spirit of […]