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American Anthropological Association Statement on Amendment 2, State of Colorado

(adopted January 1995)

As a motion approved at the annual business meeting, the motion was referred to the January 1995 meeting of the AAA Executive Board for consideration and action. It was approved at the January 1995 meeting.

WHEREAS The American Anthropological Association is deeply concerned about the rights of all persons and the protection of social and ethnic diversity, and

WHEREAS the AAA considers holding its annual professional meeting of its members from time to time in Colorado, and

WHEREAS members of the AAA view the recent passage of a highly discriminatory amendment #2 by the voters of Colorado with alarm and dismay, considering it an ominous attack on personal freedom and basic civil rights, and

WHEREAS the AAA has passed at least two resolutions condemning discrimination based on sexual orientation,

THEREFORE be it moved that the AAA calls upon the citizens of Colorado to challenge and repeal the previously mentioned amendment #2 passed on November 3, 1992.

Respectfully submitted by Warren M. Hern, University of Colorado

Certain towns had laws that protected Gays and Lesbians from being discriminated against. Amendment #2 said that Gays and Lesbians could not be considered as a protected group, so they no longer can have antidiscrimination laws for them.

updated 9/15/00