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Standford University Press - Your Source for Transformative AnthropologyStandford University Press - Your Source for Transformative Anthropology

The more interconnected our world becomes, the more critical it is for people everywhere to understand and learn from each other. The global challenges defining our world, like climate change, disease, cultural heritage preservation, migration, AI, and healthcare delivery – are best understood in a holistic, human context.  

Anthropology provides a lens that we need now more than ever. It enables everyone to view our world with depth, empathy, and complexity. In doing so, we start to help create a more just and sustainable future for all. 

Membership dues, meeting registration fees, and publishing royalties have always supported AAA’s core activities. However, additional support ensures we can pursue important activities that may not have revenue associated with them, but matter for our field. 

By supporting the AAA, you are strengthening anthropology and its role in the world. Philanthropy enables the AAA to: 

Create broader, more inclusive pathways into anthropology 

Amplify the voices of anthropologists to help address critical issues

Engage people everywhere with the power of anthropology 

With your help, we can maximize AAA’s impact across our field and anthropology’s influence throughout our world.

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