Nomination Acceptance / Self Nomination Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Has a letter of support/nomination already been submitted? *Please select a valueYesNoIf a letter of support/nomination has already been submitted on your behalf, please select the "Yes" option. If this is a self-nomination, then please select "No". You will be prompted to enter in the Name and email address of at least one supporter. Name of the person who nominated you.Please provide the name of the individual who nominated you for this position. Your Name *FirstLastEmail Address *EmailConfirm EmailAAA ID *You're AAA ID may be found by going to and scrolling to the bottom of the page. The AAA ID will be found in the "Membership" card at the bottom of your profile. Select CommitteeChoose Committee *Please Select a CommitteeExecutive BoardNominations CommitteeSelect the committee that the individual will be running to serve on. Once the committee has been selected, you will need to select the appropriate position. The Committees are: Executive Board Nominations Committee Board Position *Minority SeatMinority SeatPracticing/Professional SeatSmall Section SeatPresident-Elect submitted? Supporter Nominations Position *Archaeology SeatArchaeology SeatCultural SeatUndesignated SeatPosition RankFirst ChoiceFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoiceIf applying to multiple positions, please rank your choices in order of preference, with 1 being the most desired and 3 being the least.Qualifications and Personal Statement * Visual Text Enter knowledge, skills, and experience that qualify you for this position.Supporter informationIndicate one individual who will submit a memorandum of support for your nomination. We will email a link asking them to provide a letter of support. You may provide a backup name, but only one letter will be considered.Name of Supporter 1 *Supporter Email 1 *Name of Supporter 2 (optional)Supporter Email 2 *Statement of CommittmentI hereby express my agreement to be considered for candidacy for the above position, as indicated. If selected, I agree to have my name placed on the Spring of 2023 AAA ballot. I understand that it will not be possible to remove by name from the ballot once the slate of candidates has been approved by the AAA Executive BoardStatement of Commitment *Please select an optionYesTitle IX StatementHave you ever been the subject of a filed allegation, complaint, investigation, sanction, or other legal, civil, or institutional proceeding where there was a finding of professional misconduct concerning sexual harassment or other Title IX violations? Or are you currently the subject of such an allegation, complaint, or Title IX investigation in which your professional conduct is at issue?Title IX Statement *Please select an optionYesNoRESUME/CURRICULUM VITAE: * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. The resume or CV should be no longer than 1 page. Please tailor either document to emphasize your education, leadership positions, work and project experience (paid and volunteer), and any other activities relevant to the work of the position(s) you are running for. Also please tell us your geographical and thematic areas of work and include, if possible, the reference to a recent publication or the possible title of your graduation paper or dissertation.Submit your Nomination/Acceptance of Nomination