Letter of Nomination or Support Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Type of Letter *Please ChooseSupport LetterNomination LetterPlease let us know if you are writing a letter of Support for an individual or a letter of Nomination. Nominations can be made before the nominee is alerted. Support letters are solicited by the nominees. At least one of these is necessary for the nomination process. Nomination and Support letters may be written by non AAA members. Your Name *FirstLastUniversity/Place of Employment & PositionProviding the organization you are affiliated with and position helps to provide context for the nomination/letter of support.Your Email *EmailConfirm EmailName of the Nominee *FirstLast Select Nominee Positions Email of the Nominee *EmailConfirm EmailThe nominee will receive a confirmation email letting them know that you have submitted a letter of support. The nominee will not receive a copy of the letter of support. Please Select a Committee *Please Select a CommitteeExecutive BoardNominations CommitteeSelect the committee that the individual will be running to serve on. Once the committee has been selected, you will need to select the appropriate position. The Committees are: Executive Board Nominations Committee Board Positions *Please Select OneMinority SeatPracticing/Professional SeatSmall Section SeatPresident-ElectChoice 12Nominations Positions *Please Select OneArchaeology SeatCultural SeatUndesignated SeatLetter of Support/Nomination LetterHow will the Letter of Support/Nomination be provided? *Write/PasteUploadPlease select how you would like to provide the letter of support. You may opt to write/paste in the letter of support or upload a PDF of the file. Letter of Support/Nomination Letter * Visual Text Please provide information on the Nominee's qualifications as it relates to the position. You may wish to include information about any experience related to the Position, organization skills, communication style, etc. Letter of Support/Nomination * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload a PDF of your letter of recommendation/support here. Submit Letter of Nomination/Support