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Nominations Committee


To organize and recommend candidates for all open, elected AAA positions.

Duration of Committee


Committee Reports to

The Executive Board


  • To organize information regarding candidates that have been nominated for any AAA elected position (nominees can be nominated by any member or any group members of the AAA)
  • To make sure that all necessary information has been received by the committee in time for the meeting (especially proof that the nominee has agreed to run and, should s/he win, accept the position)
  • To meet annually to discuss nominations
  • To make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding the candidates for each position
  • To utilize the specific guidelines established by the Executive Board when making recommendations

Membership and Appointment

10 member committee including the Chair
3 year terms
Committee members are elected at-large with designated seats for:

  • cultural anthropology
  • linguistic anthropology
  • archaeology
  • biological anthropology
  • practicing/professional anthropology
  • a minority anthropologist
  • as well as 3 undesignated seats

This committee is Chaired by the Secretary of the Association.


A written report to the Executive Board regarding recommendations of candidates

Meetings and Schedule

Meetings and Schedule: The committee meets once a year in the fall, usually the Tuesday at the beginning of the Annual Meeting. Most of the committee’s work occurs that day, so attendance is crucial.

Staff Liaison

Michael Mastropasqua, American Anthropological Association.

Contact Information

2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1301, Arlington, VA 22201, Phone: (703) 528-1902, Fax: (703) 528-3546.

Review date

May 1, 2008

Adopted by Executive Board

May 2, 2008

Committee Links