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Association Operations Committee


This committee reviews Association administrative issues, academic and external relations, governance issues, membership benefits, Section relations and financial resources.

Duration of Committee


Term of Office

As assigned by the AAA President.

Committee Reports to

The Executive Board


  • Review new Section and Interest Group applications with the Section Assembly Executive Committee and with them, monitor continuing eligibility and membership numbers
  • Review 5-year reports from all standing structural committees, annual reports from M-PAAC and its working groups and task forces, discuss any requests for changes or issues requiring Executive Board attention, and forward recommendations to the Executive Board for action
  • Draft revisions to committee charges when warranted for Executive Board approval
  • Determine and monitor the Annual Report process for committees, commissions, and task forces
  • Conduct five-year review and re-authorization of all committees, with the exception of the AOC itself, which is reviewed by the ACC and approved by the Executive Board.
  • Respond to concerns about the structure of the AAA, especially the liaison between sections, committees, Interest Groups, and the AAA administration and memberships
  • Review AAA member dues and benefits
  • Review projects and initiatives of the AAA and in conjunction with the Finance Committee, the financial resources necessary to carry them out
  • Review external relations of the Association to ensure that AAA’s external partnerships represent the best interests of the organization and the discipline
  • In conjunction with the ACC, review the annual reports of the Annual Meeting Executive Program Committee, discuss their recommendations for change and forward them to the Executive Board; receive and review reports from Annual Meeting participant questionnaires; discuss, support, and/or initiate moves to improve members’ experiences of the meetings. (The joint receipt of the EPC report by AOC and ACC will be reviewed in 2017.)

Membership and Appointment

Normally one-half the number of EB members. All members including the Chair, appointed by the AAA president from within the Executive Board. The AOC will include the Secretary and at least one of the SA representatives to the Executive Board.

President and President-Elect/Vice President sit as Ex-Officio

If members are unable to devote appropriate time relative to the delegated tasks and fail to perform the duties of the Committee, the AAA Executive Board may remove a member from the position by a 2/3 vote of the EB.


Written reports to the Executive Board. Committees will include comments on issues and/or recommendations to the Executive Board in one of their annual reports to the Executive Board. These might be problems in fulfilling group objectives and responsibilities or in fulfilling tasks listed in the SIP, the need for additional resources, recommended changes to the group charge (objectives, responsibilities, products/outcomes), and recommended changes to the committee structure or membership.

Meetings and Schedule

Two meetings per year, one at Association’s Annual Meeting, one at the spring Executive Board Meeting. Other meetings to be scheduled.

Staff Liaison and contact information

Laura Roznovsky, Director Operations and Finance, American Anthropological Association, 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1301, Arlington, VA 22201, (o) 703/528-1902, (f) 703/528-3546

Date Created or Revised

March 17, 2023