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Anthropological Communication Committee


This committee is responsible for reviewing matters concerning intradisciplinary communications. It has major responsibility for recommendations regarding the future of AAA publications. It may review the Annual Meeting Program Chair report submitted to the AOC. The committee receives the reports of the editors of the AAA journals and the Anthropology News. It also reviews manuscripts submitted for the Special Publication Series.

Duration of the Committee


Term of Office

As assigned by the AAA President

Committee Reports to

The Executive Board


  • Future of Publications – Receiving reports of Committee on the Future of Print and Electronic Publishing, a sub-committee of ACC; working with Publications staff and CFPEP to propose policy and strategy to develop and strengthen the AAA publications program;
  • American Anthropologist and Anthropology News (letter) – Receiving reports of successive Editors-in-Chief; tracking publication schedules’ monitoring a regularly scheduled search for AA Editor-in-Chief; providing liaison between AA Editor-in-Chief and the Executive Board.
  • Other Journals and AAA Special Publications – Receiving and reviewing proposals for new journals and publications; monitoring progress of publication; receiving reports of journal editors’ interactions with staff and with each other.
  • Electronic Communication – receiving and discussing reports and forwarding recommendations to the Executive Board on electronic media for disseminating information and enhancing communication; considering issues of electronic publication and archiving; receiving reports on and ideas for developing AAA web presence and resources.
  • Assessing needs of Publication staff – Receiving reports on staff changes and needs as pertains to publications; recommending actions (including funding) for staff support
  • Public relations and public awareness of anthropology through the media – Receiving reports and forwarding to the Executive Board recommendations on media and public relations.

Membership and Appointment

Normally one half the number of EB members

All-members, including Chair appointed by the AAA President from within the Executive Board.

The ACC will includes at least one SA representative from among the SA representatives to the Executive Board

President and President Elect/Vice President sit as Ex-Officio

If members are unable to devote appropriate time relative to the delegated tasks and fail to perform the duties of the Committee, the AAA Executive Board may remove a member from the position by a 2/3 vote of the EB.


Written reports to the Executive Board. Committees will include comments on issues and/or recommendations to the Executive Board in one of their annual reports to the Executive Board. These might be problems in fulfilling group objectives and responsibilities or in fulfilling tasks listed in the SIP, the need for additional resources, recommended changes to the group charge (objectives, responsibilities, products/outcomes), and recommended changes to the committee structure or membership.

Meetings and Schedule

Two meetings per year, one at Association’s Annual Meeting, one at the spring Executive Board Meeting

Other meetings to be scheduled

Staff Liaison and Contact Information

Sean Mallin, Director of Publications, American Anthropological Association, 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1301, Arlington, VA 22201, (o) 703/528-1902, (f) 703/528-3546

Date Created or Revised

March 17, 2023