Partner Benefits

Dues Packages

  • PhD Programs: $995
  • Masters Programs: $495
  • Bachelors Programs: $295*
  • Affiliated Institutions/Museums: $295*

*Although the AnthroGuide is a benefit of being a DSP Partner, Bachelors Programs, Affiliated Institutions/Museums, and Field Schools are exceptions who may list in the AnthroGuide complimentarily without being DSP Partners. You can indicate this on the DSP join/renew application.

Note: International schools (outside of the United States and its territories, and Canada) receive a 50% discount on all dues packages. You can indicate this on the DSP join/renew application.

The following institutions may join the DSP Partnership community complimentary:

  • Community Colleges
  • Minors Only Programs
  • HBCUs and Tribal Colleges

Note: The DSP Partnership package rates assumes your institution's highest anthropology related degree offered.


Read our FAQ or Contact Us

DSP + AnthroGuide

Effective June 2024, DSP partners now have the ability to renew online. Click the button to “Renew Online” above, leading you to Community Hub where you can login, scroll down to Company Membership on your Personal Snapshot page, and proceed with the prompts. Brand new DSP partners will need to click the button above for “New DSP Partner Application” to establish an account.

Effective for 2024, in more environmentally conscious efforts, the print AnthroGuide has been discontinued. The 23-24 AnthroGuide is the last one in print and will otherwise be fully online.

How it Works?

Monthly emails are sent to contacts listed on the DSP application form to inform them of valuable resources for students, chairs, and faculty. When your department is getting near time to renew, you will receive an email from the membership department that requests your interest in joining/renewing your DSP partnership. Your DSP dues package will include your department's AnthroGuide listing rate. All DSP partnerships run for one-year based on date of purchase.

How to manage your DSP Partnership

We've tried to make managing your DSP partnership easy. If you are joining DSP for the first time, you will need to complete the join application. Renewing partners should complete the renewal application.

Once the application is received, we will email an invoice within 24-48 hours (unless its a Friday, then it will be on the next business day). The individual(s) who's listed as the primary contact and/or chair will have access to the department profile to apply payment and to edit their AnthroGuide listing. Information about how to manage both your DSP and AnthroGuide listings will be provided once payment is confirmed.

Active DSP Partners

We are grateful for the departments that have been able to partner with the AAA in support of its mission. You can view the most active list of Department Partners via their "official DSP badge" in the AnthroGuide directory.