General AnthroSource Information
YES! As a AAA member, you have full access to AnthroSource wherever you can connect to the Internet.
You can either become a member OR recommend AnthroSource to a librarian.
If I am a non-AAA member surfing the web, can I access AnthroSource content?
Yes, non-members can pay to view or download individual articles on the article's AnthroSource page.
AAA members have full-text access to all AnthroSource content as a benefit of membership. Institutional AnthroSource subscribers have access to all content with the exception of the most recent 10 years of Anthropology News. The offer of current Anthropology News content online is exclusive to AAA members.
There are five important differences:
The most recent seven years of AAA’s journals are not available through JSTOR. However, the complete run of AAA journals will be available through AnthroSource.
AnthroSource provides reference links to all materials referenced in the articles that are also available on the web. JSTOR does not have this capacity.
AnthroSource content is CrossRef indexed and constantly refreshed.
All material in AnthroSource is indexed through Google, whereas JSTOR content is not.
JSTOR includes only eight AAA publications; whereas AnthroSource includes all 32 of AAA’s periodical publications.
Accessing and Using AnthroSource
There are two ways to do this:
If your library provides internet access, you can login as a AAA member.
If your library subscribes to AnthroSource, you can access it using their subscription.
We recommend that you delete the cookies from your computer and try logging-in again.
If using Internet Explorer please click on the “Tools” drop-down menu and select “Internet Options.” Under the “General” tab and the section “Browsing history” please click on “Delete…” after the “Delete temporary files, history, cookies, saved passwords and web form information.”
If you need further assistance please contact us.
Yes. When accessing AnthroSource using a PC we recommend using the Internet Explorer browser. When accessing AnthroSource using a MAC we recommend using FireFox.
Yes. As a AAA member, you can download and save to your computer and/or print full-text articles, abstracts, and tables-of-contents from AnthroSource.
AnthroSource supports CiteULike, Mendeley and RefWorks.
Articles will be indexed so that a Google search can find them in AnthroSource via keyword, abstract, author, title, or publication.
Librarians’ FAQs
Please ask your librarian administrator to contact Wiley Customer Care moc.yeliw@lae ta for questions about updating their EZproxy access.
Many institutions who subscribe to AnthroSource have two links for their users. One set takes them to the journal homepages on Wiley Online Library, like this example: These are still valid and should not be changed.
They may also have links to journal pages on the AnthroSource website like this one: These should be updated. Please contact Wiley Customer Care moc.yeliw@lae ta for a list of the old and new journal links.
Subscribing to AnthroSource is easy! Learn more about pricing and how to subscribe.
Contact your Account Representative or email Wiley.
Send your request to Wiley-Blackwell moc.yeliw@ecruosorhtna ta.
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IP address/range
Library/institution name
Primary contact (name and email or phone)
Yes, AnthroSource subscribers are validated for access according to IP address/range.
To update your library/institution’s IP address for AnthroSource access, please contact Wiley-Blackwell moc.yeliw@ecruosorhtna ta.
When a library or institution subscribes to AnthroSource they receive full online access to all AnthroSource content, with the exception of the most recent 10 years of Anthropology News. When the subscription ends, the library or institution retains access to the content published within the subscription period.