Election Nominee Information Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Name of volunteer submitting the informationSubmitter's Email *EmailConfirm EmailThis is used to provide a confirmation of the nominee's information. Please select your Section: *-- Please make a selection --Association of Black AnthropologistsAnthropology of ConsciousnessArchaeology DivisionAnthropology and Environment SocietyAmerican Ethnological SocietyAssociation for Feminist AnthropologyAssociation for Africanist AnthropologyAssociation of Indigenous AnthropologistsAssociation of Latina/o and Latinx AnthropologistsAssociation for Political and Legal AnthropologyAssociation for Queer AnthropologyAssociation of Senior AnthropologistsAssociation for the Anthropology of PolicyBiological Anthropology SectionCouncil on Anthropology and EducationCulture and AgricultureCouncil for Museum AnthropologyCritical Urban Anthropology Association (Formerly SUNTA)General Anthropology DivisionMiddle East SectionNational Association for the Practice of AnthropologyNational Association of Student AnthropologistsSociety for Anthropology in Community CollegesSociety for the Anthropology of EuropeSociety for the Anthropology of Food and NutritionSociety for the Anthropology of North AmericaSociety for the Anthropology of ReligionSociety for Anthropological SciencesSociety for the Anthropology of WorkSociety for Cultural AnthropologySociety for Economic AnthropologySociety for East Asian AnthropologySociety for Humanistic AnthropologySociety for Linguistic AnthropologySociety for Latin American and Caribbean AnthropologySociety for Medical AnthropologySociety for Psychological AnthropologySociety for Visual AnthropologyPlease select the Section that you are submitting a candidate for. Email Name Background Position *Position running forLength of TermOne YearOne YearTwo YearsThree YearsHow long will the candidate serve in this capacity?Nominee Name *FirstLastNominee Background Information * Visual Text Full Name (First & Last) Education (highest degree earned, institution where degree was earned, year degree was earned) Positions Held: (Limit 5 -most recent first): Title, (dates from-to) Name of Institution; Interests and/or Activities: (Limit 3); Significant Publications: (Limit 3 – most recent first): Title, co-authors/editors if applicable, where published, year published. Platform Statement *Visual Text The platform statement should be approximately 200 words in length. Statements significantly over 200 words will be cut down to 200 words before publishing. Submit